Explanatory Synthesis
Paper 2-Explanatory Synthesis Obesity and the overall public health are becoming increasingly large problems America. Many people are split on ideas as to what is causing this health crisis. “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko, and “What You Eat Is Your Business” by Radley Balko are two essays that discuss problems with the current system as well as potential solutions to these problems. While Zinczenko argues that the problem is coming from a lack of information on the products being consumed, Balko claims that there isn’t enough personal responsibility caused by too much government influence. The essay “Don’t Blame the Eater” argues that the major problems involving obesity are caused by poor knowledge of what we are eating. There is also a lack of affordable alternatives to fast-food. This is especially evident for teenagers who don’t have the money to purchase healthier, more expensive products for themselves. Another issue is that the fast-food chains don’t have to label their packages with nutritional information causing a lack of knowledge about the food that is being put into our bodies. These lacks of alternative options and information make the fast-food chains seem like the best choice available for food which contributes to the national obesity. “What You Eat Is Your Business” states that the solution to obesity can’t be found in government sanctions or changes within the fast-food restaurants. Rather, the solution lies with the people, meaning that a sense of personal responsibility should be established regarding one’s health. Balko says that government intervention will cripple any current sense of responsibility in the nation and essentially do nothing but cost citizen’s more money. If a sense of responsibility is given to the citizens, then they will make better decisions creating a healthier nation with less required government intervention. Today, extreme amounts of tax dollars are being spent every year on medication for obesity
Cited: Balko, Radley. What You Eat Is Your Business. Cato.org, 2004. Essay.
Zinczenko, David. Don 't Blame the Eater. New York City: New York Times, 2002. Essay.