The example is of Mary Leakey’s discovery of footprints in volcanic ash at Laetoli in Tanzania. Here, three sets of footprints were discovered that display “the raised arch, rounded heal, pronounced ball, and forward pointing big toe necessary for walking erect.” (Longino & Doell, 213) Adding to the evidence, the distance between the footprints and pressure shown are indicative of a striding gait. From this evidence, Leakey determined that only an upright, fully bipedal creature could have created those prints. Using organic material imbedded in the prints, Leakey could date the footprints to 3.59-3.77 million years ago. Since bipedalism is the determination for hominid status, we can determine with certainty that hominids developed as early as 3.59 million years ago. This settled the debate over whether a larger brain or bipedalism developed first (Agnew & Demas). These footprints are close to 1 million years older than the earliest known stone
The example is of Mary Leakey’s discovery of footprints in volcanic ash at Laetoli in Tanzania. Here, three sets of footprints were discovered that display “the raised arch, rounded heal, pronounced ball, and forward pointing big toe necessary for walking erect.” (Longino & Doell, 213) Adding to the evidence, the distance between the footprints and pressure shown are indicative of a striding gait. From this evidence, Leakey determined that only an upright, fully bipedal creature could have created those prints. Using organic material imbedded in the prints, Leakey could date the footprints to 3.59-3.77 million years ago. Since bipedalism is the determination for hominid status, we can determine with certainty that hominids developed as early as 3.59 million years ago. This settled the debate over whether a larger brain or bipedalism developed first (Agnew & Demas). These footprints are close to 1 million years older than the earliest known stone