In order to understand it requires that we have an interpretation of the meanings. Hermeneutics is about how to interpret a text. In my view, my compositions are the text, the musicians’ performance is an interpretation and our interaction is a search for meanings. It can help to articulate the identity that is present in the practice and engages with the art.
“The major methodological transition is a move away from asking what kind of object a musical work is, to asking what kind of concept the work-concept is.”
The American philosopher Wisnewski described the core of hermeneutics in an illustrative example of the novel:
Imagine picking up a novel you know nothing about. You turn to the first page and begin reading about a murder scene. Your initial suspicion is that the novel in question is a mystery. You project this possible meaning onto the rest of the text in order to understand what it is that follows. You have understood the first page in terms of a possible context: the genre of the entire novel. You can understand the rest of the text in light of this provisional understanding. Now imagine that, as you read on, a very strong love story emerges. The strength of this element makes your initial suspicion about the nature of the text seem suspect. You begin to revise your overall take on the novel. You understand the opening pages, as well as the pages you are now reading, in a new