Frankenstein could be said to be the monster himself- when he says “miserable monster” whom “I had created”, we see Shelley implicitly suggest, through the alliterative phrase, that just as “Adam was created in God’s image” so too was the Creature born in the image of Victor. Moreover, the idea that Frankenstein is himself the monster is reinforced by “or rather cell”. “Cell” refers to a prison cell, and is used symbolically to represent the idea that just like a cell is for criminals, who perform acts of monstrousity, so to is Frankenstein the “criminal” commiting an act of “monstrosity”.
On the other hand, we could argue that it was not so much the act of creation that was monstrous, but rather Frankenstein’s reaction. By writing “I ran out of the room” we see Victor perform the ultimate rejection, and therefore, shunning the responsibilty that exists in the binary between “Parent” and “Child”- as John McRae argued. It is interesting to note that Frankenstein rejects the monster because of an innate selfishness- “the beauty of the dream vanished” implies that Frankenstein’s physical conception does not equal that of his mental conception, and that because Frankenstein’s plan are in disarray, his rational scientific methods- “I selected…in proportion” show this- are replaced by emotional responses; which for him, is territory unknown- in the same way Walton seeks to “ascertain the secrets” or how the Creature wants to understand human behaviour at the De Lacy’s. Thus, we see a connection between Victor and the Creature- whom he describes as “miserbale monster”. Furthermore, the fact that Frankenstein can only respond to the Creature’s birth in empirical, scientific observations- “pearly white teeth, dull eyes”- constrasts with Elizabeth’s response to