There has been a growing trend to go for personality development in India in between students, businessmen, corporates, etc. This study research aims at exploring the unexplored market of personality development business in India. Apart from just exploring the market the research also tries to study the scope of personality development business in the near future. The research also tries to analyze the role; personality development plays in the overall success of a person. In addition to this, the intrusion of personality development in the formal education system is also under study.
Personality development is an industry that is consistently gaining importance. Corporate houses are investing heavily on HR training & development. [1,2,4,10,11,12] Schools and colleges are also accepting the need of personality development. [2,14]. There has been growing awareness & consciousness of personality development in the youths. Words like attitude, meditations, personality etc is even heard in the villages & towns. Spoken English classes are mushrooming like anything & also happily surviving.
Corporate houses have even taken acting training for their career development [2] Due to fast changing nature of the industries; business firms are making themselves more agile. They are opting more for personality development for rapid change adoption, increase innovation & creativity in the organization.[4] Managers are urging greater use of personal coaching[1] & the employers are vastly recognizing that personal development pays off [7,12,13]
Author Phil hasting conducted a research concluding that we need to be smarter in personality development [9]. Since most of these studies have taken place in western countries, which are economically and culturally quite different from India, it was felt appropriate to make observations in Indian context.
The purpose of this study is to explore the personality development as a great business opportunity in
References: 1. [Industrial & Commercial Training, 2002, Vol. 34 Issue 7, p294, 2/3p] 2