As for ignorance we see reality is not what it seems to actual be. Reality can be different for everyone; this person reality may be different form another person reality. This can lead us away from actual truth; thus putting us in a cyclic existence that always leads to more suffering. Finally Attachment can also bring suffering. The attachment to a love one that dies or leaves you for another person can bring ultimate suffering. Attachment to material things can also bring us Dukkha. Being too attached to anything can weigh heavy on you; thus you cannot find true happiness. Although Suffering is mostly present in cyclic existence, we can end the cycle of pain, and problems through Nirvana, which is a state beyond all suffering. To Enter Nirvana, it must first start in the mind. Most of the sufferings we face are dependent on the state of our own mind, so if we can change our own mind, we can also eliminate suffering. Suffering ultimately comes from delusions, so if we obtain proper wisdom we can rid ourselves of delusions, and thus of all our problems and suffering. When this process is complete, we can leave cyclic existence and enjoy the state of Nirvana, free of …show more content…
There are several ways Buddhism could be applied in today’s social society. One way Buddhism can influence social action is by its teachings of wisdom. Buddhism is a pragmatic teaching which starts from certain fundamental propositions about how we experience the world and how we act in it. It teaches that it is possible to transcend this sorrow-laden world of our experience and is concerned first and last with ways of achieving that transcendence. Transcendence is the ultimate form of wisdom and by spreading wisdom we can all transcend into a higher being. With more people being less ignorant and be more open to gain knowledge over material things we can become more in-tune with ourselves and with each other, thus eliminating racial prejudices and social class structures. Karma would be a huge factor if more people bought into its practices. If this were the case the world as we know it would be ten times better in every aspect. If we care how we treat one another, more and more we would become more a more unified people. If we treat each other good and that something good would come of it, a lot of suffering would be put to an end. To teach good and kind behavior would result