The urinary system is made of two kidneys, two ureters, two sphincters muscles, the bladder and the urethra. The kidneys filter metabolic waste and chemicals from blood to the urine. They do this by filtering units called nephrons. Kidneys are responsible for the production of erythropoietin that aids the formatting of red blood cells. The ureter carries the urine from the kidney to the bladder. These muscles are continuously tightening and relaxing over and over …show more content…
Dehydration may cause discomfort while urination so keep up with the water and the Gatorade. UTI Urinary Tract Infections can be kept at bay with drinking cranberry juice regularly, however if not then when infected with an UTI it can go from a discomfort to a need to see the doctor. Bladder infections make up 50% of the reported UTI’s, but that is not the only reason. In men prostatitis, the swelling or infection of the prostate gland in men as well epididymitis is the inflammation and infection of the long, tightly coiled tube the epididymis that lies behind each testicle and collects sperm. Epididymitis can be caused by a urinary tract infection, a sexually transmitted infection, an enlarged prostate, or a urologic procedure. For women this is because the urethra is shorter and comes into contact with bacteria from the skin, anus, and the vagina. Kidney stones as mentioned before, comes in three types. Calcium stones made up calcium oxalate, phosphate, or maleate are the most common and are easy to keep away from when one stays away from food rich oxalate rich food, so sorry to those that love gorge on the potato chips and chocolate. The second Uric Acid are mostly found in men, to those suffering from gout and are in chemotherapy. The third Struvite found in women due to UTI and are cause by kidney infection. As of 2015 74,000 people are affected with bladder cancer. Bladder cancer, the affected cells begins in the lining of the bladder. From there it spreads to the muscular walls of the bladder, surgery removes the tumors and a patients can be cured but often comes back patients can than reach treatment with chemotherapy and