I. Teenagers commit suicide becouse of many reasons, but mainly because of:
a) Family problems
b) The pressure to fit in the society
c) The use of drugs and alcohol
II. The reasons behind teens suicide are complex.
a) Suicide hardly occurs in childhood
b) Suicide increases during adolescence
c) Suicide is third on deaths in people from 15-24 years, after accidents and homicides
III. A suicide is devastating for familias
a) Family problems as divorce,domestic violencs, sexual abuse, and others can have a negative impact in teenagers
b) Adolescence is a hard stage in life
c) Family problems can cause bad feelings which can make teens commit suicide
IV. Adolescence can be a great stage, but also can be a bad period in life
a) Adolescence has many problems
b) During adolescence exists a need for independence, which brings many conflicts for teens
c) Teenagers with mantal problems are likely to suffer bullying and to commit suicide
V. While teenagers go into adulthood they learn about the control they have in their life
a) Using drugs and alcohol teens feel more independient
b) Teenagers need to have a good comunication with their parents and to be informed about danger of using drugs
c) The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol can cause overdose death and rejection towards the adolescent
VI. Teenage suicide often occurs alter a stressful life event
a) Many suicides show any alert sing of alert to love ones
b) Parents must pay attention to warning signals
c) We all can help to avoid a friend commit suicide
Thesis Statment
Suicide can be caused by many reasons, but according to several studies there are three principal causes that are: family problems, the pressure to fit in the society, and the use of drugs and alcohol.
Why teens commit suicide
When a teenager commit suicide parents, friends and even strangers ask themselves: Why would teens with its whole live ahead of