Thomas Short
Comp. I Sec 13
22 April 2015
A Comparison of Endurance and Bodybuilding Workout Programs
In today’s society, more and more individuals are implementing a fitness program into their lifestyles. The reason for this can be attributed to many factors including appearance improvements, health benefits, training for specific events or sports, and some individuals simply enjoy being active and use their fitness program as a hobby. Every fitness program, regardless of the reason it is implemented, differs from every other, and also carries a different outcome goal. Concurrently a fitness plan will scarcely be adhered to, and produce results, if a clear goal has not been set. Therefore, an individual contemplating a fitness program must take some time to lay down their personal goals, and understand what their chosen goal entails. On each end of the spectrum, two of the most common goals chosen are maximal muscle gain and optimum endurance training. The following information’s purpose is to compare and contrast these two fitness goals.
Maximal muscle growth, or as more commonly referred to as bodybuilding, is a goal most commonly chosen by men, but many women make this their fitness goal as well. This goal is definitely an extensive goal to accomplish and requires a lot of dedication. Surprisingly enough “Diet is actually the single most important aspect of a bodybuilder’s regime.” ( ) Instead of eating a normal 3 meals daily, body builders must eat up to 6 meals evenly spread throughout their day that are considerably high in protein to ensure that the body is never starved of nutrients that are essential for growth. Proper hydration is also critical. The normal daily consumption rate of water for a sedentary human is eight 8 oz. glasses of water, therefore this amount must be increased due to heightened exertion a bodybuilder is subject to. Once actually in the gym, workout routines including heavy weights and low exercise repetitions are most
Cited: Bayer, Jeff. "Training for Endurance." AskMen. Fitness and Workouts. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. "Five Simple Steps To Bodybuilding | Pumping Fit." Pumping Fit, 2 Nov. 2011. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. Johnson, Matt. "What Is VO2 Max?" Runner Academy. Runner Academy, 21 Sept. 2012. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. Leung, Brian. "The Pros and Cons of Aerobic Training." The Guardian, 8 Nov. 2011. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. Lily. "Pros And Cons Of Bodybuilding." UNP RSS. UNP, 15 Sept. 2010. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.