Because of the incredible physical and psychological benefits breastfeeding provides an infant, doctors and medical organizations around the world have declared breastfeeding as optimal nutrition for an infant. One important factor of breastfeeding is breast-milk is specifically formulated for each individual infant by each mother. The composition of breast-milk is constantly changing to meet the changing demands of an infant. Breast-milk contains the exact amount of nutrients and antibodies that each infant requires for good physical health. Moreover, breastfeeding has been proven to strengthen an infant’s immune system and prevent illnesses and infections, extending this protection throughout the child’s life. In addition, breastfeeding has also shown to provide many long-term psychological benefits to infants. Breastfeeding promotes a healthy bond between mother and child and helps to instill trust and security in the infant. Also, breastfeeding offers long lasting mental health benefits and has even been linked to some intellectual advantages.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, exclusively breastfeeding (relying only on breast-milk for nutrition and not