The aim and hypothesis of this study states there will be a difference between exposure to short term memory in comparison to long term memory. To proceed with the investigation the experimenters (students in this case) would have to decide on the participants they want to participate in the study, the age of the participants and come up with a way to approach them ( in this case one of the experimenters asking for the time). This group of experimenters broke up into 2 groups. Condition A (short term) and Condition B (long term). The Age range used by the experimenters was 20’s-50’s. To collect a fair evaluation of the reactions of the public to short term ( the time) and long term (directions) memory the groups would have to make sure to collect data is in separate places, having a designated experimenter asking questions (time and directions) and another experimenter at the ready to catch the participant to ask questions about the physical appearance of the first experimenter, this person also takes down the information (Data) on a chart with clip board. The group of experimenters found that the public (participants) in condition A (short term) as a whole, remembered more about the experimenter asking the time in comparison to the participants in Condition B (long term), answering about the experimenter asking for directions, although she spent more time with the participants. This was very interesting for the experimenters. The group of experimenters (students) thought that this might have been because the participants on Condition B were so concentrated on getting the directions right that they didn’t actually stop and look at the experimenter asking for directions.
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