The more knowledge you acquire the more likely you are to be successful in this day and age. Education is a tool that many people use to advance their career pathways and they go through this education by acquiring knowledge of different areas. Classes teach students real world scenarios they must deal with every day in the field they choose to major or get a bachelors in. Many people become doctors or lawyers and this requires earning more knowledge that people who have bachelors and this generally means that you are successful. There isn't a single doctor or lawyer or any person on the earth that hasn't been successful by acquiring the necessary knowledge required to acquire. Knowledge helps people make relationships with other people this helps them receive power in …show more content…
People who are dropouts of high school or college generally tend to not have power unless they achieve success through the means of business or labor. Power has a very strong hold on our societies today. Politicians effect or daily lives by the decisions they make together everyday for society. People generally look up to people in places of power because they are the role models of society. Barack Obama was somebody who many people looked up to because of how he served as a role model to society. He admitted to doing drugs but thinking about how he straightened up after his youth and got serious in his life his crazy. He was able to climb to the best position in the world in my opinion because of the power that the United States holds over many countries and people. This is why he holds a special place in people hearts because of the amount of power he had and how he handled that power based on his morals and ethics. Donald Trump for a lot of people can be an example of somebody that has power and is successful but most people don't think he's successful and that he's ignorant because of his morals and ethics. He if changes these things he's an okay president. He has some good ideas that he should try out on this country but some bad ones too. People generally tend to think of Obama as a successful person because most of his actions as president weren't over turned by the Supreme Court for being