In his play, Sophocles presents the reader of the story of a man named Oedipus. In this play, the plot centers around the prophesy foretold through a seer who told Oedipus’ parents that he would sleep with his mother and kill his own father, however his parents tried to get rid of Oedipus. Even after the attempts to rid themselves of the child, it becomes clear that Oedipus fulfilled his destiny when the seer tells Oedipus, “Dost know thy lineage? Nay, thou know'st it not,And all unwitting art a double foe To thine own kin, the living and the dead…”. In this the seer is conveying to Oedipus that he had killed his father and is sleeping with his own mother, just like he had foretold to his mother and father years ago. Although these ideals give the reader the concept that destiny is inevitable, and one can not change their destiny, ultimately these ideas age portrayed in an unrealistic manner that leaves the reader to think about how true Sophocles’ point is in relativity to everyday life. When thinking about destiny, it is key to describe a scenario that can be shared between most common people. By doing so, an author can connect to the reader and give them information that can relate to them, however in the scenario given in Oedipus Rex there is no way for the reader to connect to the play making the …show more content…
Although the decision is in the eye of the beholder, Gladwell gives the readers stronger ideas to base their decisions on making his ideals more persuasive and believable for the readers in connection to their lives. Gladwell’s point that one can forge their own path based on dedication and practice can connect to every individual. Everyone can succeed in anything they do if the dedicate the time and energy to what they wish to do. Even professionals in specific fields started from the bottom and worked their way up, so Gladwell’s research refers to all