
To what extent did Hitler's power depend upon the use of propaganda and terror in the period from 1933-1939?

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To what extent did Hitler's power depend upon the use of propaganda and terror in the period from 1933-1939?
Modern History Essay

To what extent did Hitler's power depend upon the use of propaganda and terror in the period from 1933-1939?

Adolph Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 and his power depended upon propaganda for the Nazi's and terror. This essay will attempt to show how the Nazis used fear and propaganda to sustain power during the 1930s.

Once Hitler became Chancellor he set out to establish a one-party state using the legal means available to him as chancellor. By doing so this meant that he had no opposing parties against him and he could rule with total control.

On March 23, 1933 Hitler introduced the Enabling Act 'Law for removing distress of the people and the Reich', which meant that Hitler transferred all legislative powers to his government, which made him the dictatorial ruler of Germany and provided the basis for further illegal measures.

Hitler wanted to turn German people into the 'master race' which meant eradicating Germany of any thing or one that might hold her down. Hitler held many rallies designed and organised by Albert Speer and Joseph Goebbels. Hitler used these rallies to dictate his anti-sematic ideas on the German people and also used propaganda to spread nazi ideology among the people.

Much of Hitler's power came from the succession of his speeches from 1933 to 1938. Hitler made great efforts to socialise the German people. By organising them collectively he would be able to stamp out individualism that posed a threat to the Nazi ideology. Terror and coercion played their part in Hitler's power.

Hitler's use of terror was masterly. He applied the right measure of intimidation without driving the Germans to desperate opposition, or without diverting their attention from the positive things of the regime.

First Hitler created fear by wild threats, then he applied sever terror measures on Germany as Nazi stormtroopers arrested and imprisoned all those who posed any opposition to the nazi dictatorship, then came the

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