An individual guide can give the individualized consideration any understudy needs to legitimately handle the college affirmation process. Whether your understudy is the first individual in the family to go to college or originates from a long line of Ivy League graduates, the committed guides at International University Counselors can give your understudy the edge to discover and get into the University of his or her fantasies.
Institute of Business & Management
In a quickly changing business environment, there is a solid interest for administration experts why should prepared attain to remarkable execution and make educated, learned and visionary choices. To take care of this demand, the Institute of Business and Management (IB&M) at the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Lahore has been launched in accordance with the college's long convention of offering inventive, dynamic and industry-arranged training.
The External Analysis examines forces that exist in the environment. These forces exist dependently in the environment. These forces differentiate between a strength and weakness from an opportunity or threat. Opportunities refer to favorable conditions in the environment that could producer wards for the organization if acted upon properly. Threats refer to conditions or barriers that may prevent the firms from reaching its objectives.
Have established a strong brand of themselves.
Have aquired latest teaching methodologies.
Have got the Highest rating in Business Studies from HEC.
Eligibility criteria and admissions on it.
Emergence of new business schools Competitors .
Fees structure.
Research and Development:
New programs:
More campuses:
Moving in other regions
Introduce incentive programs
Recreational activities
Transportation facilities
Government policies
Reliance on temporary