Person vs Person
June vs. Suyuan
Discrepancy on the continuation of the piano lessons
After the fiasco of a talent show, “two days later”(Tan 141) Suyuan is back at it again with getting June to continue her piano lessons. But, June resists by saying ‘I’m not going to play anymore’(Tan 141) but Suyuan yanks her “by the arm...half pulling, half carrying”(Tan 141) her to the piano and the quarrel continues.
June ends the argument and shatters Suyuan into pieces by saying, ‘I wish I were dead! Like them’(Tan 142).
The lessons stop and Suyuan gave June the piano “as a sign of forgiveness”(Tan 143). That conflict caused Suyuan to be more open and understanding towards her daughter's feelings and as for June, she regretted