While driving on a congested freeway during rush hour many people may have often wished that all the other cars would simply disappear so we arrive at our destination on time. Realizing that it is beyond their control, their thoughts may return to another solution and something that they can control – the departure time. All those other cars on the freeway are external factors affecting a commute to work. Their presence or behaviors are beyond an individual’s control. Leaving for work early is a controllable internal factor, as the driver is in complete control of when they leave for work. Just as with our personal lives, organizations feel the effects of internal and external factors. This paper will detail how internal and external factors affect the four functions of management and how delegation manages their functions. Using Southwest Airlines as an example, it will provide examples of how globalization, technology, innovation, diversity, and ethics play significant roles in management planning, organizing, leading, and controlling; the four functions of management. As mentioned in the example above, external factors are largely beyond someone’s, or an organizations control. The Internet is an external factor that has given even the smallest business the ability to compete globally. Companies must adjust planning, organizing, leading, and controlling so that it may compete in an international marketplace. With employees and resources, drawn from the United States as well as from overseas, organizations must now internally train employees how to do business as well as interact with people from other cultures. Southwest Airlines hires from an international market and purchases equipment from the United States and international businesses on a regular basis. Technology and innovation can now spring from anywhere in the world. Globalization gives organizations a worldwide shopping market that they may draw
References: De George, R. T. (2005). A History of Business Ethics. Santa Clara University. Retrieved from http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/fousareas/business/conference/presentations/business-ethics-history.htmlhttp://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/fousareas/business/conference/presentations/business-ethics-history.html Lawrence, Anne T. and Weber, James. Business in Society. 2008. 12th edition. pg 45-46. Lucas, Victor. (September 15, 2009). Southwest and Diversity http://www.blogsouthwest.com/blog/southwest-and-diversity Powers, M. (2011). Associated Content. Retrieved from http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1738818/technology_solutions_for_human_services.html?cat=15 Senser, Robert A. Corporate Social Responsibility: A Fledgling Movement Faces a Crucial Test. Dissent Magazine. Winter 2007. http://www.dissentmagazine.org/article/?article=738