Susan Cain wrote a book in 2012 : « Quiet, the power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking »
Show extract from Susan Cain at TED untill 2 :52 min
Susan Cain became a famous wall street lawyer instead of becoming the writer she always wished to be.
Many introverts make those kind of choices to prove themselves they could be bold and assertive too. She made those self-negating choices so reflexevely that she was not even aware she was making them. It’s our colleaugues loss, community loss and world loss. Because we need introverts to do what they can do the best.
1/3 of the population are introverts but all of them are introversion is different from being shy (which is about fear of social judgement) more about how do you respond to stimulation including social. Introverts feel at their most alive and capable when they are in quieter environment (not absolute) key to maximizing our talent is to put ourselves in the zone of stimulation that is right for us but there is a bias in our society since our most important institutions (schools and work places) are designed for extroverts who need a high amount of stimulation
+ belief system : group think, creativity comes from group thinking… ex : class rooms : desks facing eachother, a lot of group assignments kids who prefer to work on their own are seen as outliers teachers believe that the ideal student is an extrovert even though researches showed that introverts get better grades and are more knowledgeable .
work places : work in open plan offices without walls, subject to constant noise of co-workers. And introverts are often passed over when it comes to leadership positions even though they are less likely to take outside risks and deliver better outcomes,
because when managing pro-active employees, they let them run with their ideas extrovert could get to excited about his idea and put his stamp on his idea and does not leave much room to