Student ID 20237783
Assignment number
Q. Discuss the factors that influence eyewitness recall, and evaluate the evidence behind these theories.
In this assignment I aim to discuss the factors that influence eyewitness testimony and to evaluate whether it is reliable or not. I’ll be explaining a short introduction into what eye witness recall is. At the end of the assignment a conclusion to what I’ve learnt and the overall view of eyewitness recall.
Eyewitness testimony is a legal term, it is a statement given under oath which police departments widely rely on. Eye witness recall is something that happened, according to an eyewitness- basically a person who saw an incident or an event and taking it into account. Although, eyewitness is relied on frequently there is strong evidence to suggest it isn’t as reliable as we may think. Factors that can influence eye witness testimony are misleading questions, post traumatic information, emotional arousal, stress, cognitive interview, weapon focus and age. Eyewitness recall refers to false memories in psychology.
Eyewitness recall is not reliable as witnesses interpret what happened at a scene of a crime or an event. When eyewitnesses are questioned the phrasing makes a difference too. For example “was the suspect wearing a blue coat?” Witnesses are highly unlikely to remember the exact colour. A better way to question the witness would be “was the suspect wearing any distinct clothing”. This question would increase the chances of accuracy to recalling the information.
Children and the elderly tend to recall faces and information less accurately
Bibliography: Simple Holah Journals on eye witness testimony.