
Ezekiel Research Paper

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Ezekiel Research Paper
Ezekiel and the Babylonian Crisis

Introduction Ezekiel the “watchman “ prophet who had an assignment to bring the message to God’s people. Ezekiel was one of the prophet who were taken into exile along with King Jehoiachin. The prophet gift was in his dreams and then he reveal them as it were given to him. Ezekiel purpose were to bring restoration and hope to God’s people.

Ezekiel saw the glory of God, he saw a human being with the face of four different features, and many other odd features of it body. The most rememberous was the blazing light- the light of life, (Ezekiel 1). Every person will one day see God, they will face reverence or judgment, based on how they lives their life on earth (NIV). God gave Ezekiel a description of Him, to give him hope and hope of knowing rather than not knowing who to believe in. God’s purpose was to build a foundation to the man of God, by showing him the uniqueness of

His Glory.

Ezekiel saw the glory of God, he saw a human being with the face of four different features, and many other odd features of the body. The most memorable was the blazing light- the light of life, (Ezekiel 1). Every person will one day
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Ezekiel had to burn his hair and spread them in different parts as instructed (Hays, 2010). Sometimes God would lead us in some strange assignments. Ezekiel 8:6, describe how some people has such an unclean spirit whereas, the Holy Spirit can not dwell within them any longer. God had to leave Jerusalem, because of their sin. The rebellious people’s bone had whither, but God had shown Ezekiel his miraculous glory that he can bring those dry bones back to life(Ezekiel 37: 8,9,10) Thus, God told Ezekiel that there is hope for the people, if they would obey and He will withdraw His wrath. The fire and brimstone will rain down on the invaders (Ezekiel 38:19-20) God will be known above all nation (Ezekiel,

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