% Face recognition system based on EigenFaces Method.
% The system functions by projecting face images onto a feature space
% that spans the significant variations among known face images. The
% significant features are known as "eigenfaces" because they are the
% eigenvectors (principal components) of the set of faces.
% Face images must be collected into sets: every set (called "class") should
% include a number of images for each person, with some variations in
% expression and in the lighting. When a new input image is read and added
% to the training database, the number of class is required. Otherwise, a new
% input image can be processed and confronted with all classes present in database.
% We choose a number of eigenvectors M' equal to the number of classes (see
% algorithmic details in the cited references). Before starting image
% processing first select input image. This image can be successively added to
% database (training) or, if a database is already present, matched with
% known faces.
% The images included are taken from AT&T Laboratories Cambridge's
% Face DataBase. See the cited references for more informations.
% Select image: read the input image
% Add selected image to database: the input image is added to database and will be used for training
% Database Info: show informations about the images present in database. Images must
% have the same size. If this is not true you have to resize them.
% Face Recognition: face matching. The selected input image is processed
% Delete Database: remove database from the current directory
% Info: show informations about this software
% Visualization tool: