Facebook’s social networking model relies heavily on users being more open with their personal information. This has been its strength and has made it so popular. On one hand it asks people to share as much of their information as possible and on the other hand it offers tools that helps users control this information.
But, the point that many users fail to understand is that whatever the controls on offer, Facebook, at the end of the day, has access to all this information. The company is making use of all this information, to generate multi billion dollars.
Facebook has received criticism on a wide range of issues, including, online privacy, child safety, hate speech and the inability to terminate accounts without first manually deleting the content. In 2008, many companies removed their advertising from the site because it was being displayed on the pages of individuals and groups they found controversial. The debate and discussion regarding Facebook’s privacy control is as old as the social network itself. But, what is now bringing this issue to the fore again is the slew of controversial plans announced by Facebook.
Major Privacy Issues: -
• Date mining-
People has a perception that Facebook is selling all the Costumers or users information to many Add agency’s, Surveys agency’s etc. and making lots of profits in to there pockets
• Cooperation with government search requests- As Government and local authorities rely on Facebook and other social networks to investigate crimes and obtain evidence to help establish a crime, provide location information, establish motives, prove and disprove alibis, and reveal communications. Facebook has willingly provided information in response to government requests, except with regard to private, unopened inbox messages less than 181 days old, which require a warrant. Which makes users still cannot expect federal law to stop their 'private'