Professor Hoffman
WRTG 101
February 21, 2012
Facebook Trumps Twitter as the Social Media King
Comparing Facebook and Twitter and showing their commonalities as well as their differences, was not an easy task. I’ve learned that the likeness outweighs their differences. Although on the surface it may seem that they are 2 total different companies, there goal is common in their purpose of bringing people closer together.
They provide many people with an avenue to market, socialize, meet and greet each other that were never possible before. With the dynamics and infinite possibilities for business and communication, Facebook, more than Twitter seems to be setup for as a fully functional social medium that can be used by businesses and its members alike.
Social media platforms, Twitter and Facebook both have large followings. Most people who have a Facebook account also have a Twitter account. Both websites are similar in that they offer a glimpse into someone’s life. From pictures to basic statements about someone’s day, Twitter and Facebook are somewhat the same. Twitter was developed off the premise of everyone can talk to anyone through the Internet. Creating a social environment that celebrates the active online user and acts as a medium for people from all walks of life. Through 140 characters average people and celebrities alike communicate to each other and the world. Twitter is also for use by companies as well. It is said that “The Web affords an opportunity for interactive communication between media and their audience” (Greer and Ferguson). Twitter is being used by Television as a marketing tool through its actors and production staff. With its ability to post short information, it has been said to grasp the attention of older members. A study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project states“… found that 73% of 12- to 17-year-olds use social networks, compared to 40% of people age 30 and older. However, when it comes to
Cited: Greer, Clark F., and Douglas A. Ferguson. "Using Twitter For Promotion And Branding: A Content Analysis Of Local Television Twitter Sites." Journal Of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 55.2 (2011): 198-214. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Reid, Jean. "We Don 't Twitter, We Facebook": An Alternative Pedagogical Space That Enables Critical Practices In Relation To Writing." English Teaching: Practice And Critique 10.1 (2011): 58-80. ERIC. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.