Dr. S. Balasubramanian G. Prakash
Research Supervisor Research Scholar
Anna University Coimbatore Anna University Coimbatore
Coimbatore, India Coimbatore, India
E-mail: s_balasubramanian@rediffmail.com
Computer facial animation is primarily an area of computer graphics that encapsulates models and techniques for generating and animating images of the human head and face. Due to its subject and output type, it is also related to many other scientific and artistic fields from psychology to traditional animation. The importance of human faces in verbal and non-verbal communication and advances in computer graphics hardware and software have caused considerable scientific, technological, and artistic interests in computer facial animation.
2D Animation Two-dimensional facial animation is commonly based upon the transformation of images, including both images from still photography and sequences of video. Image morphing is a technique which allows in-between transitional images to be generated between a pair of target still images or between frames from sequences of video. These morphing techniques usually consist of a combination of a geometric deformation technique, which aligns the target images, and a cross-fade which creates the smooth transition in the image texture. Another form of animation from images consists of concatenating together sequences captured from video. In 1997 Bregler et al. described a technique called video-rewrite where existing footage of an actor is cut into segments corresponding to phonetic units which are blended together to create new animations of a speaker. Video-rewrite uses computer vision techniques to automatically track lip movements in video and these features are used in the alignment and blending of the extracted phonetic units. This animation technique only generates animations of the lower part of the face, these are then composited with video of