Most men who want their hair removed tend to be athletes such as swimmers or a bodybuilder, or cyclist. But some men who aren't those things just want to have smooth skin, and have just as many grooming rights …show more content…
They have all sorts of different laser machines and flashing that when you put it over the hair it will kill the hair cell. Some of these tools range from $100 to $400 dollars depending on what you get.
You can also get rid of hair naturally using home remidies. These types of treaments can remove hair permently. Some indgredents include papaya, or tumeric, or even chickpea flour. You have all these ingredents at home or they can be easily found in a store. What people did not know is that sugar and lemon when mixed together can remove hair from the face. Egg masks are also helpful in removing unwanted hair. You can find all sorts of different remdies and how to apply by searching the web
Their are many different ways to have men have their hair permanently removed. Some do use waxing to shaving but notice that the hair comes back rather quickly. Their are options to have it done professionally which can be costly, but worth it in the end, over the counter creams and tools, or even home remidies. Be sure to do all research you can before finding a option for