Safety & Security Systems
Chapter 4
“We’re in Hot Water Now”
A Case Study Paper Submitted on
“What factors contributed to Solomon Alvi’s Injuries”
For the Partial Fulfillment of the Degree Requirements Of
Hospitality Management
Erin Adasczik
Erin Adasczik
Bill Coulter
Hospitality Facilities Management & Design
October 11, 2010
“We’re in Hot Water Now”
A Case Study Paper Submitted on
“What factors contributed to Solomon Alvi’s Injuries”
As president of the National Association of Safety Regulators, Solomon Alvi, had booked a hotel stay for his convention. This was the hotels first convention in 30 years. What seem to be a pleasurable stay ended up to be a catastrophe! The problem started in Room 933, when Andre, the maintenance worker, was fixing the shower valve. Once he completed the repair, he called in the room, to be put back in service. Later, Mora, the department administration assistant, reported that the housecleaning department noticed the grab bar was loose in Room 933. The same room Andre, the maintenance worker, just left. Andre was notified of the problem and decided to put the request off for tomorrow. The next problem that generated was the guestroom water heater. Apparently, it was failing to produce enough hot water for the full capacity of the hotel. The water heater was turned up to 130*F from 120*F, to produce enough hot water throughout the day. But the engineer on duty, Joshua, knew the hot water would not make it through the evening, to the morning. Joshua, the engineer on duty was covering for the head engineer, Marty, who was away on his honeymoon. He was reviewing the bids for the long-overdue tub resurfacing project. With the hotel opening for the big convention, maintenance has put this job on the back burner, meaning the surfaces of all the tubs were not up to par. Joshua was stressed out about all the repairs needing to be done, especially the
Cited: Case Number: 2814CA The following industry experts helped generate and develop this case: Richard Manzolina, Director of Property Operations, Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C.; Ed Pietzak, RPA, FMA, CEOE, Director of Engineering, New York Marriot Marquis, New York, New York; and David M. Stipanuk, Associate Professor, School of Hotel Administration, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.