Facing problem in our society can be met with human service help. They help people with the problem of addiction and those who are struggling with many types of addiction, such as to alcohol or gambling. They evaluate clients’ needs and then direct clients to rehabilitation facilities, including both inpatient and outpatient treatment centers, that can best meet those needs. They also refer clients to groups or programs to help clients get support outside of treatment.
Some human service workers might work with families of addicts, helping family members understand the nature of the addiction. Human service workers help people who are homeless to meet basic needs. Human service workers may refer clients to a variety of providers, such as temporary or permanent housing facilities, organizations that serve meals, and job centers that can assist the clients in learning new skills or finding jobs. Some clients might need help finding treatment to address an underlying cause of homelessness. Immigrants often need help adjusting to life in a new country. Human service workers help them find housing, jobs, and other resources, such as programs for learning English. In some cases, human service workers also refer clients to legal aid services to assist immigrants with paperwork and other administrative issues.