I'm pretty sure that Job spoke his fears and by doing so it came upon him. In other words, he spoke it into existence. Is there a different between Job and us? No if we do what he did. If we speak our fears, it'll come upon us just like it did him. When I say speak it I mean to speak it with assurance.
We don't have to be like Job; we can face our fears, overcome it and live a victorious life. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Faith sets free Fear binds. It can have such a hold on an individual that it'll actually consume them.
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Yes I had a fear of them. To me, it was this very small space that went up and down too fast and it sucked the oxygen out of the air. So every time I got on one I almost hyper-ventilated because my thoughts told me that the Elevator was sucking out the air. Needless to say, I avoided them for a long time. Then one day I told myself that I would not be afraid. It was a bit nerve racking at first because for so long I had that fear but after a while I got better. Now I no longer have that fear. I had to face the thing that I feared.
When we face our fears we would realize that there is nothing to fear. Many times in the Bible we could find the words Fear Not. The reason for that is because like Job, what we fear will come upon us but also, fear will bind. We could never reach our highest heights if we live in fear.
Once we have faced our fear by acknowledging that we have it then we overcome it by telling ourselves that we have nothing to fear. This might take several attempts because it has existed for so long but continue to do it, results will come.
Touch the thing that we fear if possible. Once we have touched it the fear of it will leave and then we would be an over comer. There maybe more that one fear that's in our lives but we do the same thing with all of them until there is no more fear in our