Duties and obligations of paying banker and collecting banker
Under N.I act, 1881.
PAYING BANKER * A Banker on whom a cheque is drawn should pay the cheque when it is presented for payment. * This cheque paying function is a distinguished one of a banker. * This obligation has been imposed on him by sec. 31 of the N.I Act, 1881. * A banker is bound to honour his customer’s cheque, to the extent of the funds available and the existence of no legal bar to payment. * Again, for making payment the cheque must be in order and it must be duly presented for payment at the branch where the account is kept. * The paying banker should use reasonable care and diligence in paying a cheque, so as to abstain from any action likely to damage his customer’s credit. * If the paying banker wrongfully dishonours a cheque, he will be asked to pay heavy damages. * At the same time, if he makes payment in a hurry, even when there is sufficient balance, the banker will not be allowed to debit the customer’s account. If he does so, it will amount to sanctioning of overdraft without prior arrangement, and later on, the customer can claim it as precedent and compel the banker to pay cheque in the absence of sufficient balance. His position is very precarious and is in between the devil and the deep sea.
In order to safeguard his position, the paying banker has to observe the following precautions before honouring a cheque.
Presentation of The Cheque
(a) Type of the cheque: Before honouring a cheque, he must find out the type to which it belongs. Cheques may generally be of two types- open or crossed. If it is an open one, the payment may be made at the counter. If it is crossed, the payment must be made only to fellow banker. If it is specially crossed, the payment must be specifically made to that banker in