KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .719
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 567.018 df 120 Sig. .000
In the above table, the value of KMO is 0.791 and Bartlett’s test shows significant results, which means that factor analysis is feasible for the study.
S. No Factors influencing customer satisfaction Initial Extraction
1 Skilled and knowledgeable employees 1.000 .872
2 Employees provide service at right time 1.000 .839
3 All queries responded by employees effectively 1.000 .838
4 Customer complain handled efficiently 1.000 .693
5 Test drive service easily available 1.000 .542
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From the analysis done it is clear that variables such as skilled and knowledgeable employees, powerful engine of Tata cars, all queries responded by employees effectively, employees provide service at right time, interior space of Tata cars and cars delivered on time has got higher extraction value of 0.872, 0.852, 0.839, 0.838, 0.80 and 0.800. The variable test drive easily available has got less extraction value of
S.No Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 4.986 31.163 31.163 4.986 31.163 31.163
2 1.905 11.904 43.068 1.905 11.904 43.068
3 1.555 9.718 52.786 1.555 9.718 52.786
4 1.368 8.552 61.339 1.368 8.552 61.339
5 1.197 7.482 68.821 1.197 7.482