Ahmad Kaleem
Associate Professor,
Department of Business Administration,
Lahore School of Economics,
Burki Road Lahore, Pakistan.
Email: drkaleem@lahoreschool.edu.pk
Ph: 042-6560936, Ext 208; Fax: 042-6560905
Rana Abdul Wajid
Professor of Statistics,
Centre for Mathematics and Statistical Sciences,
Lahore School of Economics,
Burki Road Lahore, Pakistan.
Email: drrana@lahoreschool.edu.pk
Ph: 042-6560936, Ext 221 ; Fax: 042-6560905
Hassan Sagheer Hussain
MBA student,
Lahore School of Economics,
Burki Road Lahore, Pakistan.
Email: hassanhussain@hotmail.com
ABSTRACT This article explores the relationship between decision making by financial advisors, within the context of portfolio management and the factors that may influence such decisions in Pakistan. It argues that personal, psychological, socio-cultural, religious and gender issues influence the advisor’s perception leading him to a non optimal decision. The data for this research is collected through a specifically designed questionnaire, consisting of forty four (44) statements measuring a host of independent variables from each of the above mentioned factors, and seven (6) questions describing the respondents profile and one (1) question measuring the dependent variable: style of investment. Overall results concludes that the brokers/financial advisors considered friendly environment at workplace, followed by countries laws and then job satisfaction and quality of service as most important attributes. Same time, they gave least importance to gender related issues, quick profiteering and showed keen believe in the market fundamentals. Finally, the results indicate that age, income, language and orientation of education have significant role in determining the
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