I. Introduction
The foundation of Mathematics is extremely important because it deals with the encoding of information content into units with strictly linear order. Mathematics contains basic numeracy and fundamental practices that help students understand other field of mathematics (geometry, algebra, trigonometry, etc.). Mathematics can be considered as the mother of all learning in arts and sciences. It is a fundamental in every field: measurement, angles, technology and economics. Mathematics is not just computation but a tool for understanding structures, relationships and patterns to produce solutions for complex real life problems which means mathematics is a necessity for people of all ages to be successful in life
Throughout the years, it is often seen that Mathematics is the subject that students find hard getting good grades, especially among High school students. Leongson (2003) reveals that Filipino students excel in knowledge acquisition but fare considerably low in lessons requiring higher order thinking skills. This disappointing condition is evident in the performance of students in national and international surveys on mathematics and science competencies. Therefore, identifying factors that affect Mathematics grades is important to effectively asses the freshmen students performance in mathematics.
Statement of the problem It is the main concern of this research to determine how the students perceived in Mathematics as part of their curricular requirements. What are the factors that may have caused it, and how much contribution do these factors have on it. In particular, this study seeks to find answers to the following queries:
1. What are the factors that influence students’ grades in mathematics
2. What relationship exists between the Q. I. T students’ grades in mathematics with their demographic factors such as age, sex, religion and