Research Methods
Presented to: Miss MehrukhBy: Saman IqbalSection K
Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc384855026 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc384855027 \h 4An overview of the topic PAGEREF _Toc384855028 \h 4Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc384855029 \h 6Literature Review: PAGEREF _Toc384855030 \h 7Trust PAGEREF _Toc384855031 \h 7Commitment PAGEREF _Toc384855032 \h 8Buying power PAGEREF _Toc384855033 \h 9Information Technology PAGEREF _Toc384855034 \h 10Cooperation PAGEREF _Toc384855035 \h 11Communication PAGEREF _Toc384855036 \h 13Opportunism PAGEREF _Toc384855037 \h 14Satisfaction PAGEREF _Toc384855038 \h 16Shared Values PAGEREF _Toc384855039 \h 17Adaptation PAGEREF _Toc384855040 \h 19Proposed Theoretical Framework PAGEREF _Toc384855041 \h 20Methodology PAGEREF _Toc384855042 \h 20Data Analysis Tools and Techniques PAGEREF _Toc384855043 \h 21Respondent Characteristics PAGEREF _Toc384855044 \h 22SEM Results PAGEREF _Toc384855045 \h 22Convergent and Discriminant Reliability PAGEREF _Toc384855046 \h 23Confirmatory Factor Analysis PAGEREF _Toc384855047 \h 24Path Analysis PAGEREF _Toc384855048 \h 26Final Structured Model PAGEREF _Toc384855049 \h 28Cluster Analysis PAGEREF _Toc384855050 \h 29Discussions PAGEREF _Toc384855051 \h 30Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc384855052 \h 32Future Findings PAGEREF _Toc384855053 \h 33Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc384855054 \h 34
AbstractSupply chain management has now become a very important factor in organizational success in today’s global world. As the world has become global stage for almost all companies operating across the world, supply chains have become huge supply chain networks. These networks have different stages and phases which need to be maintained and managed efficiently in order to achieve operational excellence. There are different and numerous factors and elements which affect these stages and operations of supply chain networks. The objective of this
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