The financial burden of education fees are rising. Due to the continues increasing price of tuition fees, school fees and other education finances, families tend to face financial crisis particularly on managing the budget of the family income. These includes the budget for food, education, electricity bills and other financial bills. The family is unable manage it all since their income is incapable of affording those bills especially the valuable price on education finances. Considering those facts, students affected by the crisis experience by their family, students will be obliged to work while studying. Part time job may affect students’ academic performance. Working several hours a day consumes a lot of time and one might too exhausted to study. The main purpose of school life for teenagers is to prepare them for their future. Working while studying will deprive their time of sleep and will do harm to their health. Teenagers are in the process of building up their body.
They need time to exercise and engage in other activities, they also need plenty of rest. If they work, they may sacrifice their time for sleep and school activities. On the other hand it can teach them to wisely use and manage their money for they go out into the real world. It helps them to mature and to realize they need a job and an education to succeed in the real world. It also help them to decide what type of business they want to get in the future. Unmotivated students might neither work for pay nor receive good grades because they put little effort into the labor market or school. In contrast, students uninterested in academic might work long hours that would otherwise have been devoted to leisure. Students might underestimate the link between college and future earnings. Another factor is