
Factors affecting the romantic period

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Factors affecting the romantic period
Factors Affecting the Romantic Period
Nasim Afsari
English Literature of Semnan University, Iran

This paper elaborates on the factors which affected the rise of Romantic Movement and it tries to show how the works of art in this era were influenced by social and historical influences such as French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and publication of Lyrical Ballads. Among these factors posthumous impact of writers such as Milton, Rousseau and Gray are of vital importance.

Keywords: French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Gray, Milton, posthumous impact of writers, publication of Lyrical Ballads, Romantic Movement, Rousseau.
Romantic Period is considered as an international and philosophical movement which altered the way in which people in Western countries view the world The early Romantic Period (RP) coincides with the age of revolutions consist of the French Revolution and Industrial Revolution and declaration of Rights of Man. It affected the literal, philosophical and social points of view in a way that some of its major doctrines are still living on and has its followers. The time span is 1789_1832 or 1798_1832 and the RP is usually taken to extend approximately from the outbreak of French Revolution in 1789_or alternatively, from the publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798_through the first decades of nineteenth century (Abrams, 2005). The dates are different in that the first date shows the great impact of French Revolution on rise of the movement and the second date reveals the acceptance of Lyrical Ballads_ a joint effort by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, two major writers of this era_ on paving the way for those who were fond of evolution, either in literature or in larger extent human life. In addition John Milton 's posthumous impact on Romantic Movement cannot be ignored. He is considered as the most important poet not only in seventeenth century

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