By Florah Kessy
Dissertation Report Submitted to Mzumbe University Business School In Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of Degree of Masters of Business Administration (Corporate Management) of Mzumbe University
We, the undersigned, certify that we have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the Mzumbe University, a dissertation/thesis entitled Factors Leading to Employee Job Dissatisfaction A Case of Kinondoni District, in partial/fulfilment of the requirements for award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of Mzumbe University.
Major Supervisor
Internal Examiner
Accepted for the Board of
I, Florah Essaya, declare that this dissertation is my own original work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other university for a similar or any other degree award.
Signature ___________________________
© This dissertation is a copyright material protected under the Berne Convention, the Copyright Act 2009 and other international and national enactments, in that behalf, on intellectual property. It may not be reproduced by any means in full or in part, except for short extracts in
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