One of the most important decisions facing students wanting
higher education is selecting a college. Selecting a
college is a systematic process involving critical factors
where some factors out weigh others. When making big
decision’s it is also important to involve family members
because they will also be affected by your choice. Before
you explore and compare different schools. First decide
what you are looking for in a school. Ask your family to do
the same thing. Then compare your answers and try to figure
if you have found the things you were looking for in a
school. Selecting a college has lasting effects: what
students become four years later is influenced by which
college they have selected (THE INSIDER’S GUIDE, 1981).
When selecting a college you need to decide what aspects of
choosing a college are important to you and choose based on
that decision. A good beginning in selecting a college is
to make a list of objectives, both educational and
personal. The more you learn about each school the more
your ideal decision may be affected. Some of the major
factors is choosing a college, the cost of the education,
and the weight of the academics. The process can be over
whelming but you will gain experience and confidence. For many students, location is an important criterion
for selecting colleges. Many decide to go to college in a
different region of the country from where they grew up.
Think about how close you want to be to you home setting –
do you want to make it home for Sunday dinners with your
family and have someone there to do laundry for you – or do
you want to be further away, with fewer trips home? A
strict adherence to a specific geographic location can
severely limit you college choices. When the class was
assigned the research and interview most students stated