
Factors Influencing Consumers Purchase Intentions of Buying Branded Butter.

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Factors Influencing Consumers Purchase Intentions of Buying Branded Butter.
Term paper Proposal

Semester: fall 2011

Proposed Title
Factors influencing consumers purchase intentions of buying branded Butter.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction: 4
1.1. Background and rationale of the study: 4
1.2. Problem Statement: 4
1.3. Research Objectives: 4
1.4. Research questions: 5
1.5. Delimitations of the study: 5 2. Literature review 6
2.1. Concepts and Definitions 6
2.2. Theoretical reflections 6
2.3. Substantiating evidences from the literature 7
2.4. Critical analysis of the literature 8 3. Theoretical/conceptual framework (Hypothesis) 9
3.1. Dependent variable: 10
3.2. Independent variables: 10
3.3. Hypothesis: 11 4. Research Methodology 13
4.1. Sample selection 13
4.2. Population frame 13
4.3. Unit of analysis 13
4.4. Type of study 13
4.5. Time horizon 13
4.6. Researcher’s strength 14
4.7. Instrument development/selection 14
4.8. Proposed data collection procedures 14
4.9. Proposed data analysis techniques (nvivo thematic,) 14 6. Key Findings 19 References 20 Appendix 21

1. Introduction:

1.1. Background and rationale of the study:
Butter is a substitute of the main ingredient milk and was considered one of the essential food item till the previous century. It was reckoned as the symbol of providing strength for daily day activities, and upbringing of healthy offspring’s. However, this trend is gradually dying out, and being made outdated by the current day synthetic nutritious products. This research will lend a hand in identifying those factors, which are considered important by the customer while choosing a specific brand of butter. Moreover, findings of this study will help out the producers of butter in knowing the factors that influence the buying decision of customers regarding the selection of butter which could lead to better branding and marketing of this product by the producers.

1.2. Problem Statement:

As producers in today’s

References: Chen, L.-Y. L.-S. (2006). The influence of the country-of-origin image, product knowledge and product involvement on consumer purchase decisions. Journal of Consumer Marketing , 23/5, 248–265. Marmorstein, J. W. (1987). The Effects of Frequency Knowledge on Consumer Decision Making. The Journal of Consumer Research , Vol. 14, No. 1, 14-25. S.C.F Iop, E. T. (2006). Consumer research: extrinsic. British Food Journal , Vol. 108 No. 11, 894-903. SIDEK, W. F. (2008). Influence of Brand Loyalty on Consumer Sportswear. Journal of Economics and Management , 221-236. Sivakumar, K. (1995). Role of Price and Quality Tiers on the Cluster Effect in Brand Choice. Marketing Letters , Vol. 6, No. 4, 265-273. Speece, P. S. (2004). Packaging and purchase decisions. British Food Journal , Vol. 106 No. 8, 607-628. Speece, P. S. (2007). The importance of packaging attributes. European Journal of Marketing , Vol. 41 No. 11/12, 1495-1517. Vila, O. A. (2006). Consumer perceptions of product packaging. Journal of Consumer Marketing , 23/2, 100-112.

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