When we applied the factors of METT-T (Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops, and Time) we find out the following:
The Mission – US 328th Infantry Regiment was to attack north and west of Hill 223 and secure the Decauville Railroad. The German mission was to defend the railroad system.
Troop – US 82nd Division was fresh compared with the German 2nd Wurttemberg Landwehr Division that were fighting since 1914. The picture at the top right illustrates camouflaged
German machine gunners lie in wait for any advancing Allied Forces
Terrain – heavily vegetated rolling hills, ridges and ravines. Visibility was about 15 to 25 meters. Second picture at the bottom left shows the lack of visibility and heavily vegetated terrain
Weather – cold, rain and fog reduced the visibility to 30 meters or less in open areas
Time – Germans had all the time prepare the area. US troops just arrived to the Hill 223 and were trapped by machine gun fire. They knew that their lives depend on the ability of SGT Early’s patrol to surprise the Germans by getting behind the guns and silence them