Teaches the Noble Eight-fold of Path: 1. Right Knowledge – Some convictions are necessary to achieve a good life. 2. Right Aspiration – Decide what it is that we really want. 3. Right Speech – Language and speech patterns show us a lot about ourselves. 4. Right Behavior – a kind of paradox results from considering that often behavior precedes states of mind. 5. Right Livelihood – your occupation should be in accordance with and no interfere with, your path. 6. Right Effort – entails doing things at the “staying speed”. 7. Right Mindfulness – state of being aware, awareness of truth; seeing things as they are, not what you fear or what them to be. 8. Right Contemplation – meditation on spiritual matters, especially as a form of devotion.
It also teaches five (5) precepts: 1. Not to kill 2. Not to steal 3. Not to lie 4. Not to commit adultery 5. Not to drink intoxicating liquors0
=Meditate and Exercise for all Students= The word Meditation comes from in religion of Buddhism which means act of reflection and focusing in a silent mode of environment to meditate or simply reflection on sacred matters as a devotional act. The word exercise is the activity for the purpose of training or developing the body or mind.
For the students know the benefits of meditation and exercise in their study, body and mind. To know their culture by knowing the eight-fold path and, the five precepts of