Animals used in factory farms, suffer because the company neglects the welfare of the animals in order to maximize their profit (PETA). They cram as many factory animals as they can into small spaces get more money. Chickens, pigs, cows, and turkeys stay as the most know animals used for factory farming. The U.S. raises and slaughters birds more than any other animal (ASPCA). Chickens suffer from genetic manipulations, for example, egg-laying hen genetically manipulated produce a higher volume of …show more content…
Animal agriculture strains natural resources like land, water, and fossil fuels. These farms produce a large amount of waste and greenhouse gases, which pollutes our land, air, water, and contributes to climate change (Farm Sanctuary). Many companies store the animal waste in large lagoons that leak and spill. In 2011, a hog farm in Illinois spilled 200,000 gallons of manure into a creek, killing over 110,000 fish (Farm Sanctuary). This waste contaminates our water and releases gases. Animals like cattle, sheep, and goats release methane, a key contributor to global warming. Factory farming also needs pastures for livestock, leading to deforestation to create more room for their farms (Farm Sanctuary).
The outcome of factory farming causes illnesses like heart disease and strokes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the primary source of heart disease and obesity is linked to animal products (Farm Sanctuary). Dairy cows receive hormones to help them produce more milk. When their productivity declines, companies send the cows to be slaughtered. The hormones still in the cows increase the risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancer in humans (Farm Sanctuary). The poor management of the animal's living conditions causes diseases like E. coli and