Our organization, Factory Outlet Store (FOS), is a retail store that sells discounted clothing for adults and kids, from brand names such as Old Navy and Abercrombie & Fitch. FOS is a well-established brand and has a popular chain of stores in Malaysia, but we are looking to expand to Thailand with a first-ever four-storey FOS shopping center instead of freestanding boutiques.
We are interested in expanding to Thailand as it has a dynamic retail sector. Some of its major retailers include Tesco, Carrefour and other supermarkets/hypermarkets, leaving the clothing/fashion market quite open. Thus we feel that there is great potential for us to bring FOS into Thailand and establish our brand name there.
Question 1
Malaysia’s Economic Progress for the last 5 years
(X axis)
GDP – Real Growth Rate %
(Y axis)
The graph above shows the GDP Growth Rate for the past 5 years. Malaysia is one of the most open economies in the world, with exports and imports accounting for close to 200% of the country’s GDP. Over the past two decades, the country has successfully transferred from a commodity-driven economy to a more broad-based economy. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product by adding Consumption, Investment, Government, Export and Import.
Some of Malaysia’s economic indicators include GFI (gross fixed investment), private consumption, government consumption, and import and export of goods and services. Malaysia’s imports and exports have decreased steadily, from 19.6% and 16.1% respectively in 2004 to 2.9% and 2.0% in the year 2008.
Year 2004
In 2004, a significant economic growth with a robust expansion in consumption spending and business investment, aided by brisk global demand for their exports reason being of the SARS period that impact the economy in 2003. After the SARS period, the economy accelerated to its fastest pace, with a 6.8 percent GDP growth.
Year 2005