Pollution prevention
|Interesting facts |
|Did you know? |
|Every year approximately 75,000 litres of detergents and 12,000 kilograms of dirt and other pollutants flow into North Shore |
|City’s streams, lake and beaches from people washing their cars on the road. |
|Fifteen per cent of pollution incidents reported to North Shore City Council are traced to painting activities. |
|The chemicals found in one cigarette butt can leach out and contaminate approximately 7.5 litres of water within one hour. This |
|contaminated water is lethal to small crustaceans and other aquatic life. |
|Concrete washings are arguably the most harmful, yet least recognised pollutant entering our waterways. Thirty per cent of all |
|fish kills reported in Auckland streams are due to concrete and cement washwater discharges. |
|You would need a large road tanker full of water (approximately 10,000 litres) to neutralise 1 litre of cement slurry. Dilution |
|is not the solution, as it only extends the deadly effects further downstream. |
|Every year in the Auckland region over 85,000 tonnes of dirt enters our streams, lakes, estuaries and harbours. Sediment can |
|kill aquatic organisms just like a chemical can. |
|Worldwide, sediment is by volume the biggest single water pollutant. In Auckland, sediment is the largest cause of shellfish |
|losses in our estuaries, not chemical spills.