Samuels Kindertransports From December 1938 until the outbreak of World War II on September 1, 1939, 9354 children and youth, 70% of them Jewish, reached Great Britain mostly from the German Reich in organized groups known as the Kindertransports. The trigger for the start of this rescue operation was the terrible violence of the pogrom of November 9, 1938, known as Kristalnacht. In its wake the Jewish community in Palestine declared their desire to accept 10,000 Jewish children from the Reich. However, the British who ruled Palestine were unwilling to allow the children to go there owing to the very restrictive immigration policy they had adopted. Instead the British government declared its willingness to allow the children to come to Great Britain. Various groups in Great Britain – B’nai Brith, The Woman’s Appeal Committee, the Chief Rabbi’s Emergency Council, The Children’s InterAid Committee and The Movement for the Care of Children from Germany – along with Youth Aliyah, all played a role in placing the children in private homes and institutions, and caring for them. Many of the children remained in Great Britain after the war, some who were reunited with family members, and who had lost their entire families during the Holocaust. More information:
The British Evacuation The British government was worried that a new war might begin when Hitler came to power in 1933. They were afraid that British cities and towns would be targets for bombing raids by aircraft. People, especially children, were evacuated by train and road for their own safety. By the