Kelli Kalinowski
Central Michigan University
ELD 763
There are have issues regarding faculty in higher education, specifically aimed at the purpose of faculty members, and if their roles as faculty are over rated. In this paper I will talk about different information that I have researched about faculty and their truths, and myths. This paper will explain and give examples of the fabrications that faculty jobs are not as important as other jobs. This paper will also talk about what is the truth regarding faculty in higher education and how the two compare.
Faculty Narrative and Counter Narrative The purpose of this paper is to describe the dominant and controlling narrative of faculty life as constructed by those outside of higher education. This research will represent information that from documents written by those outside of higher education about faculty life, many popular movie clips, a CNBC report about least stressful jobs, and other popular sources describing faculty life. The work of faculty is practically limitless. Faculty are employed to teach classes, be available for advising students, and serving on departmental committees with other faculty. Faculty members are expected to keep up with developments in their fields by …show more content…
This Forbes article suggested that college jobs are some of the least stressful jobs that are available, but this is not true. Other myth states that faculty benefits cost are expanding. The reality is the costs for faculty benefits are not significantly increasing, showing that less than 31 percent of the average two- and four-year public institution budget goes to faculty salaries (Marlin, 2012). And the cost of benefits as a percentage of compensation has increased by just over 1 percent a year for the past five years. (Marlin,