The events take place in an unnamed time in the future in an American city. There are several settings: the firehouse, Montag’s home, the city streets, and the forest outside the city. In this world,
books are banned, and everyone’s lives are isolated from each other.
Guy Montag is a fireman and his purpose is to burn books. One day Montag meets a young girl named Clarisse McClellan who helps him realize that his life is empty. When Clarisse dies, and his wife attempts suicide, Montag decides to read books. But in Montag’s world a person caught reading books has his house burned down. Then Montag goes back to work, and he is forced to burn down a house holding books with the owner inside. After that he seeks help from an English professor named Faber, and they make a plan to destroy the firemen and to preserve books by publishing them.
Mildred tells the firemen about the books that Montag has been hiding, and he is forced to burn down his own house. When Beatty tries to arrest Montag, he runs away and is pursued by the police. After Montag escapes, he runs into group of people outside the city called “the Book People.” They hold memories of books they have read and are waiting for a chance to start a new world.
I think this is a great book. Ray Bradbury was very descriptive and the story has a great plot, because it was suspenseful. I would recommend it to people because it made me think about the value of books.