Failing a course in collegen is a situation of many students in college have experienced. As a student, receiving a "D" in a class is left me feeling like a failure, and for the lack of a better word, stupid.A failing grade is not randomly dealt, however, as there are several factors that lead to a student receiving an "F".Most of the time these factors can be pointed out and cause and effect relationship can be established.
The first, and most obvious, thing must do to pass a coursen is to show up for class.Many students rely on a friend or ohter classmates to give them important information on a course that they do not like to attend .However,people make mistakes so misininformation on test dates and homework/assignments can lead to work handed in late,doing the wrong assignment, and perhaps most detrimental, not showing up for a test.
How to avoid failing in school
You know you have a problems when you report card shows failing grades in one more classes. Fortunately, you are usually given a fair warning and an oppurtunity to rectify the situation. You need to wake up and look at teh reasons you may be failing, realize gthat it is now a good sitation, and then take some steps to get to get your grade up to where they shold be.
Questions you may have include:
What are the reasxons that a student may get failing grade?
What are the consequences of failing?
What can be done to avoid failing?
Reasons of students fail
There are a number of possible reasons a student may get failing grades in school. I've combines them into classifications, for better analisys:
Subject matter
Subject material was too dificult
Did not learn required material in previous classes
Pace was too fast
Couldn't understand the teacher's explanations
Teacher had a heavy foreign accent
Didn't like the teacher
Teacher didn't like the student
School skills
Froze up in test
Have a trouble doing Homework