Branner Grimsley
The election of 1824 is a very interesting one because even though there were technically five different presidential candidates all running under the Democratic-Republican Party. The four most significant of the five candidates being Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Crawford, and Henry Clay. But the reason that this election is seen as being controversial is because no candidate got a high enough majority of the electoral colleges vote to count as them winning. This caused this election to be the first one in the history of the United States where because of the twelfth amendment the House of Representatives decided who would be the next president. Although Andrew Jackson did get the most electoral votes out …show more content…
In this election this criteria is a little bit harder to examine because it wasn't a pairwise election, no state voted for the second and third candidate that they wanted for election. That being said as far as first place votes go, which is all of the information that can be found on this election, Andrew Jackson obviously had more than any other candidates. Despite at the time not all states counting there popular votes according to the states that did Jackson still came out ahead with more votes than any other candidates with 153,544 votes counted for him in total. With John adams behind him by almost forty thousand votes it is clear who got the most popular votes in this election. Despite all this information it is still not certain according to the second criteria who should be declared the winner of the election.
After no one could be declared a winner in the first election the decision on who the president would be was passed to the House of Representatives. This meant that the top three candidates would move on to the next round of voting were they would have to win a majority of the twenty four votes, one for each state that there was at the time. The reason for the controversy behind this election is that once clay was eliminated from the presidential race it is thought that Adams made a deal to give clay the seat