2. Is faith something you think everyone should have, why or Why not? Yes. It has personally gotten me very far and I cannot see living life without it.
3. Do you believe there is a limit to faith? No! My faith is in God and therefore I believe that He has no boundaries or limits in what He can do.
4. Explain time where you had to show faith? I recently prayed very hard for a new job. I heard a sermon that said to turn worry into worship so I did. I would say I worshiped God in advance for my new job that He was going to bless me with and He did! I believe that was my reward in exercising my faith!
5. Do you believe church going people only can show faith, why or why not? No. I do not believe church goers are the only ones that can show faith. Faith is believing in something or someone. People believe/have faith in their children, job, spouse, teammates, etc.
6. Do you believe faith comes naturally, explain? No, I do not believe faith comes naturally. Some people can have natural faith depending on their perception of life and or a situation. However overall I think that faith is something that grows over time and with experience.
7. How do you implement faith in your everyday activity? I would implement faith in my everyday activity by always having a positive attitude. Always believe that things are possible.
8. How would you encourage someone to have faith? I would encourage others to have faith my encouraging them to be an optimist. I would help them to believe that ALL things are possible if they have faith. I would point things out in their life to show them ways that having faith was the end reward of a situation.
9. Why would faith be a inspiration in your relationship? Faith is an inspiration in my relationship because of my religion. Because of my belief/faith in God, it is necessary that we both believe and exercise our faith to get us through the good and bad.
10. Do you