He was chosen out of five newborn babies whose mothers couldn’t take care of them. Christof created the set and has constantly been airing Truman’s life since his birth. The concept that he wanted to bring to the viewers was a reality show, which presented a completely unscripted and authentic person, along side with a community of characters. Nothing is fake in Truman’s world, rather controlled. Chistof is viewed in this film as if he were the God of Truman. He shapes his world through fear and love, but Truman still has the ability to think freely. He lives a normal life as many would see. He has friends, neighbors, collogues, parents, and a wife. He goes to work everyday and lives in what a typical neighborhood would look like. There is one thing that sticks out early in the film, Truman only knows about the town in which he lives in, well, and …show more content…
Truman has a beautiful blonde wife and a best friend in which he could hangout with and share beers over conversations. Peter Weir does a great job at relating Truman’s life to a typical person. He lives in a normal home and does everyday things such as wake up, eat breakfast, and go to work. Most of the society is within the middle class and the environment is filled with sunny days and rainy nights. This concept of his life helps the viewers relate to themselves, and makes them think, your life may also be a television show. A show in which God is the director and you are his star pupil. Your life is shaped by the path that God has set out for you. Determinism is defined by philosophical view that all physical events are caused but mental processes are uncaused (Philosophy.lander.edu). God gives you the free will to make choices that can lead you to a good or maybe even a bad situation. At the climax of the film, Christof is in the process of presenting the first on screen conception, but Truman has not yet come to an agreement with his wife to do the deed. As much as Christof tries to construct ways to get him to do it, Truman’s free will still stands in the way. According to Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy “Free will as the capacity unique to persons that allows them to control their actions.” In Truman’s case, he does not